
Serve, Smash, Win with Love, Tennis

It can’t be said enough how thrilling it is to play physical sports. Often times it can be daunting to push yourself to get out there and get moving, especially if we aren’t professionals or even at an intermediate level. Why should the beginner limit him or herself from the fun and joy of the challenge, while building experience along the way. With so many opportunities and options that can arise, ranging from joining a team, or a league, or even play as a single player one-on-one, it can be a wonderful chance to really break-through, have fun, share memories and potentially build some skills. 

The Courts

One of my favorite summer activities is playing tennis. My first time playing tennis was in high school, after joining the team. I’ll be honest, I am in no way a pro at it. However, the amount of fun and joy I get out of playing is exhilarating. I sometimes go through long spans of time not playing and some of it is because we tend to hold ourselves back a bit. Often times I get the idea to play and then I talk myself out of it due to a multitude of reasons, the courts may be packed, getting yourself mentally prepared to go and play, or even making the time and finding someone to play with can be difficult. 

The Serve

This year’s summer goal was TENNIS. Play as often as a I can. One of my good friends has a great set of courts by her house and I decided that when we are able to make dates work out to play, I will meet her at the courts and at least play for an hour. The feeling is like no other. It really gets your energy going, you breathe in the most amazing fresh air, your blood is pumping. Not only is it a great form of exercise, but such a fun activity to do with a friend! 

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