• Activity

    Serve, Smash, Win with Love, Tennis

    It can’t be said enough how thrilling it is to play physical sports. Often times it can be daunting to push yourself to get out there and get moving, especially if we aren’t professionals or even at an intermediate level. Why should the beginner limit him or herself from the fun and joy of the challenge, while building experience along the way. With so many opportunities and options that can arise, ranging from joining a team, or a league, or even play as a single player one-on-one, it can be a wonderful chance to really break-through, have fun, share memories and potentially build some skills.  One of my favorite summer…

  • adventure

    Kayak Surfing

    This Summer I accidentally signed up for kayak surfing and it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. When I was planning my California roadtrip, I thought it would be fun to kayak in the Pacific Ocean. I browsed through different tours and settled on Central Coast Kayaks Cave Excursion Tour. I thought we would kayak into caves in a protected area of the Ocean and our guide would point at cool rocks, crystals and marine life along the way. It seems I skipped reading the tour description which describes it as “exhilarating” and “strenous” and just blindly booked based on the high reviews. Best…